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Introducing Visionary and Inspiring Women
"Babe, you got this." by Martje Haverkamp & Emilie Sobels
"Women leading the way in Brussels" by Claudia de Casto Caldeirinha & Corinna Hörst
"Girlsboss" by Sophia Amoruso
"What will it take to make a woman president?" by Marianne Schnall
"Lean In" by Sheryl Sandberg
"Sisters in law" by Linda Hirshman
"Ada's Algorithm" by James Essinger
"Mom&Me&Mom" by Maya Angelou
"The girl's guide to being a boss" by Caitlin Friedman and Kimberly Yorio
Movies​ & Documentations
"Miss Representation", documentation
"Suffragette", movie
"Erin Brockovich", movie
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